애플워치가 또 생명을 구조했다.

애플워치의 넘어짐 방지 기능이 노르웨이에서 생명을 구조했다고 합니다. 
노르웨이 기사에 따르면 67의 Toralv Østvang는 목욕탕에서 쓰러져 피를 흘리며 의식을 잃었는데 애플워치가 넘어짐을 감지해 구조당국에 자동으로 긴급 구조요청을 한 것입니다.
애플의 ‘넘어짐 방지’(fall-detection) 기능은 사용자의 허락을 전제로 자이로센서와 가속도계로 갑작스러운 넘어짐을 감지하고 1분 동안 반응이 없는 경우 로컬 구조당국에 자동으로 긴급 응급요청을 하게 됩니다. 
이번 뿐만 아니라 지난 10월 스웨덴에서도 추락으로 심각한 부상을 입은 사용자의 구조요청을 한 경우가 있었습니다.

심전도 측정과 달리 이 기능은 국내에서도 활성화해 사용할 수 있습니다.


Apple Watch fall detection credited with saving user in Norway after severe overnight fall - 9to5Mac
We’ve reported several times about the Apple Watch Series 4’s ECG functionality alerting unsuspecting users to seek medical attention.  In addition to ECG, however, the Series 4 has a fall detection functionality. That feature is what one Norweigan Apple Watch user credits with saving his life.
As reported by NRK, 67-year-old Toralv Østvang was found “bloody and unconscious” on his bathroom floor by emergency authorities. According to the report, Østvang fell in his bathroom, with the Apple Watch automatically alerting emergency authorities.
Østvang’s daughter says that he likely went to the bathroom in the middle of the night, but fainted and fell to the floor. During the fall, Østvang sustained three fractures in his face. The daughter explains (translated):
“It could have gone so much worse. All morning we asked, ‘What had happened if he hadn’t worn a smart watch?’ He didn’t bring his mobile phone in the bathroom. It’s amazing that he got such quick help from the alarm, until the police found him. It was a serious fall, perhaps it saved his life.”
The daughter also adds that Østvang had never considered having any other form of alert system, making it all the more notable he was wearing his Apple Watch that just happened to have fall detection.
Fall detection on the Apple Watch is able to track when you fall and then ask you if you are ok. If it sees that you are unresponsive for 1-minute, it will automatically call emergency services and share your current location with them. That seems to be exactly what happened to Østvang.
This isn’t the first time Apple Watch fall detection has been credit with saving someone. Back in October, a user in Sweden reported that the Apple Watch had called emergency authorities when he had a sudden back injury and fell to the floor.

Apple Watch fall detection is enabled automatically for users 65-years-old and older. To enable it, go into the Watch app on your iPhone, choose “Emergency SOS,” and enable the fall detection slider.